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Unread 13-12-2010, 14:19   #3
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Coolmine
Posts: 167

Driver of my train from maynooth this morning came over the tannoy at ashtown to make the following announcement:

Irish Rail management have ordered all drivers to stop at working platform camera's at the top of platforms from now on.

Nice of him to say as a good 70 people had to run 1/4 the length of platform at coolmine along with some people at ashtown.

The drivers of this particular train have been doing it for the last month or so, but there was never any announcement over it so I just presumed it was a wheel slip issue.

In the last few years 4 car trains have been stopping somewhere short of the top of the platform in coolmine. if you could imagine them stopping between carraiges 2 and 6 of an 8 car train, that where they would be.

Havent really got a problem with it if in the interests of safety.
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