if the previous chief civil engineers did try to do something about this bridge should we not try to find that out, and if they were prevented then the corporate person who prevented them should be named or fired if still at IR, and if they didn't do something about should that not be noted.
the problem in Ireland is the lack accountabilty, vague talk of systematic failures, "its all in the past", or sentiment shouldn't get in the way of accoutablilty, look at the way fas, you can't trust people who previosuly mismanaged even if there are new syste, in place, sack em and pay them to consult if you have to don't let them continue to mismanage the entire system.
I see you say elsewhere its hard to find who runs IR, could you find the rest of the names the report spends most of the time talking about the a derelict barge, not about the chain of responsibilty for inspections and repair from 1997 till 2010, what does the RSC report really tell us?
love barry kenny yesterday saying of the 1997 inspection report "we know it was deinfilty lost"