A couple of highlights that struck me as somewhat interesting regarding lack of action taken on an inspection in 1997.
From Page 65
After the removal of the barge, East Coat Diving Services carried out an inspection of the Malahide Viaduct in March 1997. A summary of the inspection findings are as The pointing was generally in “okay condition”;
Scouring and undercutting can be “found on a few piers where rock armour and concrete been washed away”;
- “Underwash and undermining of concrete pour due to hole and tidal flow” at Pier 7;
- The inspection diver concludes that the rock armour is “too light for the job it is to do”;
- The rock armour grout has diminished by approximately 80% on the west side of the Malahide Viaduct and 70% on the east side;
- Evidence of cracking and spalling of the concrete deck;
- “Scouring starting at the base” of Pier 4 (the Pier which collapsed);
- Debris (twisted metal and old railway sleepers) recorded betw
een Piers 4 and 5.
Then skipping forward a bit
The inspection diver who carried out the inspection, did not consider that the weir protection to be substantial enough stating “the rock armour itself is in my opinion too light for the job it is to do”, which indicates that further strengthening works to the rock armour was required in order to protect the weir. Also, in direct reference to Pier 4, the report states that scouring had started at the base.
There is no evidence available to the RAIU to suggest that any works were carried out on the weir post inspection, and therefore it can only be assumed that the weir was allowed to degrade further as described in the „The Failure Mechanism of Malahide Viaduct‟ sections of this report.
Considering that this inspection directly refers to scouring starting at the base of Pier 4, and no works recorded, it is a major concern that IÉ took no remedial actions to carry out any maintenance works.