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Unread 05-08-2010, 22:47   #12
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ar an traein
Posts: 602

As a regular user of the ferry from Rosslare I appreciate that ferry connections cannot take precedence at the expense of commuter traffic.

Equally however rail-ferry connectivity should not be an optional "add-on"/"revenue top-up" at the whim of the mood of individual planners in a particular year.

It is perfectly possible to design an innovative and imaginative timetable which serves the key commuter traffic but also gives satisfactory connections to/from several sailings.

Having recently twice used the 1720 Waterford-Rosslare as part of a longer journey, it arrives a little early for the 2115 sailing but is nonetheless perfectly adequate.

Less pleasing though is the scenario every evening of the last train departing Europort as the Stena ship from Fishguard approaches its berth (ship berths at 1800; train departs at 1755).
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