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Unread 17-06-2010, 10:37   #2
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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The signaling records from yesterday are all over the place, the train which left Howth Junction at 20:30 was coded as a Malahide bound service.

The 19:25 Bray Howth (E932) is shown as spending 20+ minutes between Connolly and Clontraf Rd when in fact its identity swapped to the following Malahide (E828) bound train. So the train changed destination enroute

Unless manually overridden each train follows the timetabled route automatically based on its train id, only the signalman in Connolly can over ride the system

It should not happen and if it does it should be explained why

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 17-06-2010 at 10:43.
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