Hi there thanks for your responce but the stations I quote in the first thread except Kilkenny has the 10/12 euro fair available. Its useless that you can pay 15 euro's for a single fair from Dundalk/Athlone/Portlaoise etc to Dublin yet you can get a day return in the booking office for 10 euro's. I welome that the peak online fares before 9:30am are lower than the booking office fares from Dundalk/Athlone/Portlaoise etc. Overall I welcome the online facilities, on a different note when will there be cheaper day return fares to/from Sligo from Mullingar/Longford is this in the pipeline for this year or next year tourist season is upon us and people want to travel and want value for money thanks again for your responce
Last edited by Colm Moore : 10-06-2010 at 22:33.
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