25-05-2010, 15:15
Local Liaison Officer
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 5,442
RPA Reports Operating Surplus on Luas in 2009
The Railway Procurement Agency today 24th May 2010 published its Annual Report for the year ended 31st December 2009.
Luas carried 25.4 million passengers in 2009 which represents a decrease of approximately 8% over 2008. The reduction in passenger numbers is explained by a decline in numbers of people at work and the reduced consumer spending in retailing and entertainment. The decline in 2009 comes after strong growth in passenger numbers in each year since the launch of service in 2004. Passenger numbers remain high on both Red and Green lines, particularly at peak commuting times.
RPA management is pleased to report that despite the decline in passenger numbers, RPA generated an operating surplus of €3.8 million (after tax). Surpluses generated by Luas business are retained to fund future asset refurbishment. This will help ensure that the high quality of Luas passenger services currently delivered can be maintained.
The Annual Report also reports on excellent progress made during 2009 in delivery of new projects promoted by RPA under the Government’s investment programme, Transport 21. The year saw the opening of an extension to the existing Red Line from Busáras to The Point which was an important milestone in the development of integrated land use and transport planning in Dublin. The year also saw the continued construction of extensions to the Red and Green Luas Lines to Citywest and Cherrywood. Significant progress was made with the statutory approvals and procurement processes for Metro North. The case for Metro North remains strong; the infrastructure deficit that Metro North is intended to address remains and the contribution that this project can make to economic competitiveness is as important today as when the project was first proposed.
Click here to view or download RPA Annual Report 2009