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Unread 10-05-2010, 15:17   #15
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Originally Posted by comcor View Post
It's also worth pointing out what happened to other bus services that replaced train services.

In the recent round of cuts, Bus Eireann got rid of a lot of them. In this part of the world, the Mallow-Fermoy-Dungarvan-Waterford service is set to be axed. I'm sure that applies elsewhere in the country as well.
Please correct me if there has been a subsequent happening but I travelled on the final Mallow-Dungarvan bus on Saturday 27th February. A new timetable with just one SuO journey on the Lismore - Waterford section (and no service during the week) was introduced the following day.

Incidentally this bus route was well used, the final journey was being used by no less than around 40 passengers in the course of its journey.

A rail feeder bus Fermoy/Mitchelstown to Mallow was contained in plans announced in recent years but hasn't materialised and is assumed dropped.

Neither Mallow nor Thurles railway stations are now served by bus as a result of the recent BÉ cuts.
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