Karl, have you tried registering the card on the website? I suspect its possible someone accidentally registered your card, but that doesn't explain the trip reported. I take it that you didn't do such a trip. It would make sense to phone Irish Rail at 1850 211 777 or use the contact form.
Originally Posted by karlr42
The only possible thing I could have done was that I put my wallet, containing a DB monthly RFID card and the IR smart card up to a Dublin Bus validator, and got angrily beeped at until I removed the DB card and did it separately.
I don't know the exact standards involved, but strictly speaking you can't swipe two of these types of cards at the same time. Sometimes you will get away with it at the train station as the Irish Rail card will register at a greater distance than a DB one.
Dublin Bus or Luas cards or equipment should not interfere with an Irish Rail card.
And yes, presenting an IR card on a bus will result in a very upset card reader.

Eventually (probably in about a years time) you will hopefully be able to get a smartcard that works across a variety of transport services