Galway to Limerick Sunday 4th April 2010
Galway Station doesn't seem to have any departure boards or any signs indicating where trains are leaving from. Now I know it has just the two platforms, but I still think a small sign for "Limerick Service" would have been welcome.
Compared to Limerick and Cork, Galway Station was a bit ... naff. Very little for passengers, and it didn't feel very welcoming.
A two car train was waiting at the station, at the very end of the platform and I was interested to see how busy the train would be.
I was amongst the first to board...
We left a minute late, with about ten people on the train as far as I could tell, which was branded "Commuter". The stations on the line where again very stark affairs, with the exception of Ennis.
At each station, there were passengers boarding and disembarking, but a one car train would have sufficed. (Ignoring the perception of overcrowding that a one car train would create). However the train was busier than the one I got from Limerick to Limerick Junction for the connection to Cork.
For some reason, I can't recall any ticket checks taking place but given the amount of travelling I did in two days I may have forgotten.
Before long we arrived at Limerick.
I think Galway to Limerick could be a "grower". The service didn't feel 'slow' despite its two hours duration. Bus Eireann at Galway were agressively advertising their Galway - Gort service "in 90 minutes" whereas Irish Rail's noticeboard appeared to be some photocopied sheets.
Next journey that day... Limerick to Limerick Junction