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Unread 08-10-2009, 20:12   #6
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Gotta be Boombridge without a doubt - for years passing by it on the Sligo train I didn't even realise it was a station in service, of course these days I see the station name signs. In Irish it of course Drochead na Scuab ... Drochead na Scobe sounds more like it!

Rosslare "Europort" must be a close second - WTF were Irish Rail thinking? They had the alignment/right of way and should have demanded it be maintained!

Connolly ... whew ... I'm actually impressed! There's enough toilets now, not that dark bloody broken down cupboard they had before, and they've replaced the passenger seating area by bringing that isolated bit of road by the side indoors and putting seats there!

Of course it would have made more sense to bring the Luas up there instead of demolishing the old ramp, and forget about those ticket barriers (especially since you can't roll them out citywide, see paragraph 1), but what they did is a close 2nd best.

I really didn't think Irish Rail could do it!
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