Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson
Problem is you can't do Dublin-Belfast-Dublin on a single tank of diesel, you need to top up in Drogheda to be sure. It might be 4 minutes to York Road but the Dargan Bridge is in the way and its single track and full of local commuter trains.
The only solution is a third train which would relieve the pressure
Sure they could turn the trains around but then fueling in Belfast becomes difficult, while Drogheda would still be a challenge, though easier
but i encountered the same problem monday in drogheda - a train from skerries was due to arrive so the enterprise had to stay in platform 1 (20:00). when the commuter train arrived the enterprise went southbound, changed over line and then came in to refuel. then at about 20:40 the train in platform 3, went back to skerries (at this point the enterprise had refuelled but was waiting for the skerries train to leave) before pulling out southbound again to change back over and come into platform 1.
Now the enterprise is doing Belfast - Drogheda - Belfast... can it not stretch on a tank of fuel now that its cut out dublin?
Fine the route needs a third train but how the hell are we suppose to get through this... leaving dublin at 5:30 an not getting home till 10:45... plain and simple, not acceptable.