Originally Posted by irishsaint
also, the 19:00 drogheda - dundalk was late leaving drogheda last night, left at 19:11 and arrived in Dundalk at 19:32 - Enterprise had just pulled in (should be departing drogheda at 20:00) so doubt that left on time as i'd say it hardly made drogheda for 20:00?
I didnt think too much of this, saw it as an oversight but.....
Monday, I arrived into Drogheda via bus from Connolly, at about 19:55 - waiting for the Enterprise. There was a train on platform 2, empty. No announcement and just before 20:00 it left heading north bound - I over heard someone ask an IE official on duty was it going to dundalk and he said yes(which was too late at that stage)... there was about 20 people on platform 1 going to dundalk!! Anyway, Saw it as a once off. was talking to a chap last night who was waiting for the 20:00 enterprise to go to dundalk and a train again on platform 2 left just after 20:00 (no sign of enterprise at this stage). He asked one of the IE officials where it was going and was told dundalk... he said why didnt they announce that and the reply was..... "its in the timetable".... (there is a 19:45 in the timetable so it appears IE expect us to assume that the train times in their new emergency timetable are running 20mins late?) I must say, mornings are fine but evenings, nobody in drogheda station seems to give a rats ar*e..... they dont keep us informed. The best info they can give is, there will be one along soon... Everytime a trian arrives you have to ask, where is that going. 3 days, 3 different replies so far, "nowhere", "back to skerries" and "dundalk" for trains all around the same time give or take 5mins of 20:00...... and they have the freaking cheak to say "its in the timetable!!!"
I know with the 20:00 Enterprise, they say it will be departing at 20:00, when I got there at 19:50ish they told me it would be here in a few minutes. So fine but when in didnt actually depart till 20:50, that was a full hour hanging about....
Experience summed up so far:
There appears to be a gradual recognition by IE that dundalk commuters are annoyed and they appear to be addressing this. Cross border commuters as usual are left hung out to dry, IE wont take responsability nor will NIR.... try doing a days work, board a bus at 17:30 in connolly and not get home till 22:45.........