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Unread 25-08-2009, 13:56   #45
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: County louth, 6 miles from civilisation:-(
Posts: 155

The 6.20 101 from Drogheda to Dublin was a double decker this morning.

It wasn't needed.

The Balbriggan Passengers must have all switched to the new direct buses.

So this means they not taking up excessive space, but Drogheda bound buses had added capacity that was not needed.

But it's Bus Eireann so it won't last long since spill over will all switch to the Train replacement buses over the next few weeks.

Either way the situation is pretty bad.

In 5 weeks time i'll have to be in James's Hospital for 7am or so. This will probably mean a 5am 100x or something like that. I haven't looked at the schedual yet but i'll actively check all my options and possibly do a test run or two to figure out how to get there...
Commuting is my extra 50 minutes of sleep
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