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Unread 21-07-2009, 13:20   #28
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The Waterford/Rosslare Strand line belongs to the Fishguard & Rosslare Railways & Harbours Company which is jointly owned by CIE/IE and Stena Line (!) is an historical anachronism that has been useful in that it has prevented CIE from closing the railway in the past. Apparently to close the line would need an act of Parliament in Westminster and something similar in the Dail. Although the line is to all intents and purposes closed. It was chosen as the setting for the surreal movie "Six Shooter" made in 2005 and starring Brendan Gleeson which featured a train of Cravens, tea trolley, exploding cows and a massive shoot-out with the Gardai at Wellington Bridge. I suspect that even the film's producers failed to realise that the line is like something out of the Twilight Zone - worthy of a movie in its own right!

That said the line is a complete disaster and has been for years - the two letters here being typical of hundreds that have appeared in recent years. The morons in the Dept.of Transport and their lackeys in CIE choose to ignore these complaints as the line doesn't really exist - it's not owned by CIE and its not owned by the GWR/BR/Stena Line..... It reminds me of the Thurles/Clonmel line which belonged to the Southern Railway of Ireland Company for whom no directors, shareholders or employees could be found when the branch was absorbed by the Great Southern & Western Railway / Great Southern Railways - lest they be held responsible for the companies debts!! Remember it's not that long ago when the CIE operated Great Southern Hotels chain used to trade while insolvent and the directors of CIE used to refuse to sign-off on the annual a/cs less they be held responsible for the losses...that reminds me of another story

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