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Unread 21-07-2009, 09:14   #23
Mark Hennessy
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Originally Posted by comcor View Post
But are numbers ever going to rise when there's only one train a day?

And with the line's future constantly in doubt, who is going to commit to regularly commuting on it?

Vicious circle.
I know, the arguments are always the same.

Ultimately, Irish Rail management are the problem.

They get no pay cuts for carrying less passengers, if they close these lines, they still get the same pay and get presumeably less hassle. There is no incentive here to innovate.

My own view would be to allow these lines pass into private operation (alongside BE services) as some sort of regional revamp of transport in Munster / S.E Ireland.

However, again in my own opinion, only Clonmel to Dublin and Wexford - Waterford services should be focused on to keep these lines alive.
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