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Unread 20-07-2009, 15:20   #19
Mark Hennessy
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Originally Posted by comcor View Post
You'd think that with things so much cheaper at the moment Irish Rail might be advertising day returns from Waterford to Fishguard to take advantage.

Then you realise they can't even offer you a timetable providing a day return to Rosslare!

The thing is, I can remember a time when the Cork-Cobh line was written off. It was only kept open because freight to the NET plant at Marino Point was using it anyway, so a few passenger services couldn't be that much harm. 25 years later with a proper timetable (and admittedly some good work from Cork County Council in terms of zoning land along it) and it's a success that happily runs even though NET is long closed.

Has anyone ever looked at the line in South Wexford and tried to see what timetable would suit it? Tried to work with Wexford Co Co to get extra land zoned for housing near the various stations? Without any will, is it any wonder it's up for closure. And the will has to come from irish Rail as much as it has to come from the local authorities and local politicians.

With any of the rail lines slated for closure, they should first be offered to private interests (whether commercial companies, community co-operatives, even the RPSI for use as a heritage line, while maintaining some service to the communities on it) to see if they can make a go of them before just being shut down.
The biggest problem (currently) is that Waterford is suffering a worse jobs crisis than any of the other major urban areas so attracting fresh commuters in the current environment will be tough.

As this line is used regularly by a small but loyal amount and the fact there is a massive times saving whilst using this line over the road route, perhaps IE could trial that hybrid road / rail bus on this line?

Right now fresh ideas are needed, the line with the current passenger numbers in its current guise is not going to last in an environment where teachers are being sacked and social welfare is being cut etc.

That's the political reality in my opinion.
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