General News
Our New 16-25 Railcard by Marketing Department
Iarnród Éireann is pleased to announce the launch of its new 16-25 Railcard. The 16-25 Railcard is only available to 16-25 year old persons and replaces the Faircard brand.
Holders of the 16-25 Railcard are entitled to substantial discounts off the regular Adult fare on presentation of their valid Railcard ID Card at time of purchasing their rail ticket.
* Completed application forms must be accompanied by a copy of photo ID (either a Driving Licence, Passport or Garda Age Card), two passport sized photographs and payment of €10.00. Application forms should be posted to Iarnród Éireann, C/o 15 Porters Avenue, Coolmine Industrial Estate, Dublin 15.
* Alternatively, a scanned copy of completed application forms together with a digital photo and copies of required photo ID may be emailed with payment details to:
The 16-25 Railcard must be available for inspection when travelling on a discounted Railcard rail ticket. A customer who fails to produce their 16–25 Railcard at time of purchase will be liable to pay the appropriate fare and any subsequent application for a refund will not be considered.
16-25 Railcard is only valid for 1 year to expiry date shown on card.
To download a 16-25 Railcard Application Form click here
Basically just a rebranding of the Faircard which is harder to apply for. Also in this day and age it's foolhardy (at best) to be suggesting people send credit card details by email.