So, it's not actually forbidden then ?
"The provision of too much or non-essential information should be avoided since it can cause many people confusion and will irritate other passengers"
It can clearly be argued that this is essential information to the customer to avoid being charged a standard fare for a journey they have already paid for.
When will RUI put on their customer advocate hat and push some of these types of points instead of making excuses for IE in situations like this ? I would make this kind of point directly to IE, but I thought that was what RUI was for.
Having signs at the destination telling customers that something is coming is not a lot of use to those people who use the train once or twice a year. What happens if you normally get the train from Galway to Athlone, and just this once you get it to Heuston ? Having Heuston plastered in signs will be of no help at all. It's like having signs land-side at the airport saying that you must retain your boarding card after getting off your plane - by the time you have seen the sign it's too late.