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Unread 03-12-2008, 19:55   #22
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 118

There is an article in The Clare Courier about the station at sixmilebridge
News that work will begin shortly on reopening Sixmilebridge railway station has been broadly welcomed by councillors in Shannon, but for one councillor in particular, it brought back fond memories of living in the station house.

Earlier this year Clare County Council acquired two acres of land and Cllr Patricia McCarthy’s family home, which was still occupied by her father John O’Connell, for a reported sum of €750,000.
Mr O’Connell had worked on the West Clare Railway, immortalised in song by Percy Ffrench, until its closure and had been relocated to Sixmilebridge as station master in 1959.
Last week his daughter Patricia was delighted to hear that work will begin shortly on the station and it is intended to resume services during 2009.
The announcement came during a presentation given to the Shannon area councillors’ committee by Fiona Mooney and Eilis N* Nuanain.
Reopening of the Sixmilebridge station comes under stage one of the Western Rail Corridor. Track work has been ongoing since 2007 and will be completed next year.
Car parking facilities will be available with spaces for eighty vehicles, including three disabled bays. Fees will be broadly similar to other similar stations at €2 per day or €8 per week for commuters. These charges will help to defray the cost of a CCTV security system.
Iarnród Éireann intend to relocate the platform from alongside the station house as technical specifications on track gradients have changed.
According to Ms. Mooney the station house itself will not be required for rail operations and the ticket dispenser will be available on the platform. Some ground has been purchased from the Brothers of Charity to improve access.
In reply to a query, Cllr Gerry Flynn was informed that the station house is not a protected structure. “It should be because that it a landmark in Sixmilebridge,” he said.
When he asked if this means it could be bulldozed, Ms Mooney said no, the intention is to have it refurbished and put to a commercial use.
Cllr Flynn was also concerned that people living adjacent to the station should be consulted on the development as the reopened station would have a huge impact on their lives.
Ms Mooney said that the local authority had consulted with the Brothers of Charity but not with the wider community. Cllr Flynn urged them to do so sooner rather than later.
Cllr John Crowe welcomed the development saying it would provide a massive boost for Shannon, Sixmilebridge and the entire East Clare area.
Cllr Pat McMahon said it will be brilliant for the whole area as it will link Sixmilebridge into the national rail network, giving people a viable alternative when travelling to any part of the country and improving access to Shannon Airport.
He added that the success of this station might change minds at Government level to introduce a series of local stations along the line.
Fiona Mooney said that the project will be going through Part VIII of the planning process in December and Iarnród Éireann will commence work in the new year.
She added that the work will include a short road closure of approximately two days to facilitate bridge works and the station will open in 2009.
Cllr Patricia McCarthy prefaced her remarks by saying that it is the first time in many years that she feels free to talk about the project because her father was the owner of the property in question.
“Even though I would have been prevented from speaking, I have been fully supportive of this proposal and keen to see it come to a conclusion.
Cllr McCarthy recalled her family arriving at the station house in 1959. “It was a nice place to live and a fine house and I know my father will be delighted to know that the building is going to be preserved.
“Structurally it is sound and I look forward to see it being put into active use again. This is a very welcome development for the area.
“For us as a family it’s great because we left Kilrush before the closure of the West Clare railway and arrived in Sixmilebridge to see another closure of a railway. I know that my father is happy that the railway station will be reopened.
“We had no desire to see our family home sold only for the opening of a railway. It’s been a long process, it was ten years ago or maybe longer when it first appeared that the logical place for a railway would be Sixmilebridge.
“We had conditioned ourselves to the fact that we were going to be selling our family home.
“I remember when it was a very active station with a lot of cattle and cargo passing through, sheep being moved and there was a lot of activity. Personally and speaking for the family, we are absolutely delighted it is going back into use again,” said Cllr McCarthy.
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