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Unread 30-09-2008, 14:23   #30
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
The official who issued the notice typically gives evidence of the incident involved.

Its the same as the classic I got off since the garda who caught me didn't show up in court.

Be very clear here, if you board at a staffed station without a ticket the full force of the law will be applied. I know of a few people in the court today. End of the day if you boarded without a ticket at a staffed station there is a case, the law has been broken.

You might get lucky, through a combination of Irish Rail messing up or the judge being friendly. Or you might get up to €1000 fine, a criminal conviction and a loss of income from a half day off
And I have not disputed that fact at all, I was simply trying to point out that the glorious irish rail is not infallable in the eyes of the law. I'm in no way trying to condone fare evasion or anything like that, I was simply trying to pint out that sometimes irishrail get it wrong and a judge will rectify that.
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