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Unread 01-09-2008, 10:17   #160
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Originally Posted by Mark Hennessy View Post
Typically there is no info I can see on the Irish Rail website.

No mention of the stations affected today, no mention of the next series of stations to be affected and what dates.

No FAQs for those who will need to pay the charges.
(E.g Q. If I buy a weekly ticket will I be certain of a parking space?
A. Of course not.

No mention of the enhanced car parking facilities the new charges will help pay for, nothing at all, just hand over the money and get on your train without a whimper please.

Should we be surprised at all?
And very little information in the station either. A casual user or anyone who was on holiday for the last two weeks and missed the NCTS leaflet drop could easily miss the fact that you have to pay. There is a big new sign on the way into the carpark that I assume tells everything but the only people who could possibly read it are pedestrians.

Within the station there are a few A4 size print outs stuck up with sellotape in the ticket office. Blink and you miss them. Bad luck too if you are like the fella I saw in the car park this morning with a 10 euro note. I hope he got change from somewhere but he definitely did not get the 6:46 train. I only knew that I needed coins because I happened to look at the ticket machines last week. I could not muster up the full 8 euro of coins last night so I had to get a daily ticket this morning.
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