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Unread 29-08-2008, 15:20   #140
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Originally Posted by ACustomer View Post
Rusalka: your costings are seriously wrong in one crucial respect. You estimate motoring costs purely on the basis of fuel (15 kms per litre), i.e. less than 10 cents per km. What about extra depreciation, maintanance, tyre wear, etc etc? There are good estimates of costs per km published in recent editions of the Iriah Times motoring supplement. These work out at a minimum of close to 35 cents per km. So go and do some serious re-calculation or you may be about to make an unwise decision.
Another advantage of the car in some cases is that it offers far greater flexibility than public transport. This is due to our poor coverage and integration but for example I would rarely go straight home after work be it lectures, meetings, training etc. Public transport does not give a lot of people that flexibility and in most cases it would take far longer.

There is no 'one solution' to making people less car dependant but rather several which all have to be coordinated in their approach and implementation.
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