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Unread 29-08-2008, 10:12   #131
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 278

Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
Other way to look at is why is Irish Rail facilitating non rail users in the car park

They have made no efforts to block non passenger usage, if they where serious about providing a proper car park facility for rail passengers that would be the first thing to do. In many cases it would free up a lot of space without impacting on the long suffering and already overcharged commuter.

If I shop in the shopping centre and buy something I get free parking, if I buy nothing I pay. Everyone has a train ticket so why can't they work it out
Are non rail users using rail car parks really that much of a problem at the moment?

The rules on shopping centre car parking vary from centre to centre, most of them seem to charge whether you buy anything or not.
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