Originally Posted by Laois Commuter
So you choose to live 10 miles from the station. Why should you be subsidised by those who live closer? When looking for my current home, walking distance to the station was one of the criteria I used.
There has been little cash for maintenance I suspect (repairs come under maintenance, not capital works). This is an attempt to address it - but the revenue stream is needed first.
Car use has a cost, and why such users feel that they should not have to pay is beyond me. I would love to see the irate responses if UK levels of station parking charges were implemented - see my earlier post.
I would love to get the Bus Eireann bus to work but that doesn't go near where I work cause all it goes to Busaras and leaves from there.
What do you mean by why should I be subsidised?
The car park in Maynooth has been there for years. They are not buying any extra land. As been said before all this is pay parking is extra money for IR.