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Unread 27-08-2008, 13:00   #112
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Posts: 39

Signs are now up in stations along the Northern Line to tell us that car parking charges will be in force from Monday September 1. It does not mention the clamping fee but I am pretty sure I remember Barry Kenny saying it is a punishing €160 or €180.

I can only speak about my own experience in Drogheda but I can't see this putting people off the train. Even if you get free parking in Dublin the petrol alone would cost more than the combined tax saver fare and train station parking. I can only hope that this will put off those who can walk to the station. I know a few who are now going to leave the car at home and if there are enough of them it might leave a few spaces every morning. My biggest gripe about getting the train is the necessity to leave early to get parking so maybe this will give me the option of an extra hour in bed.
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