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Unread 25-08-2008, 14:44   #92
Laois Commuter
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by Mark Hennessy View Post
The problem is that the DoT are hampering other alternatives.

I discovered of a plan to develop a local feeder bus service to Maynooth from other North Kildare towns was shot down because another bus company runs a route that originates in one of the other North Kildare towns.

In other places, there does not even exist a foothpath or lighting to the station.

Also, what about large towns like Newbridge, where the station is well out of town? Walking out to the station could take the same amount of time as it takes to get to Newlands cross. Whats the point of taking the train in that case?
I don't deny bus licensing needs a shake up in this country. Splitting tendering and operation would be a start, and allowing proper commercial operation would be a goodsecond step. However, opinion on here in the past has demanded free public transport to the station. Why? Do you use your car for free? Do you have to pay a driver? Car parking has a cost. Car use has a cost. Public transport use should therefore have a cost (for all users, including seniors in my view - and I am less that 10 years from getting my pass). If people will only use it if it is free, then that says rather a lot about those people.

You conveniently ignore the car share option I raised, which would halve the cost potentially.

Re Newbridge, I suspect you could cycle to Newbridge from anywhere within the town in 15-20 minutes. I challenge anyone in the peak to - legally and safely - drive to Newlands Cross in that time. Then of course, you spend another 30 minutes getting to Red Cow... The train to Heuston would still be faster, and you can read, sleep (although some drivers on the N7 I admit manage to do both these along that road - or so it would seem).

If walking routes to stations are not good, put pressure on local councils to improve them. The elections are next year - in many years of dealing with politicians, even in the UK where they largely ignore the electorate, approaching elections tends to concentrate their minds.

I repeat, there is NEVER no alternative to single occupancy car use to access a railway station.

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