There are always options. Car share. Cycle. Walk. Divorce yourselves from the symbiotic relationship many in this country seem to have with their polluting, inefficent, metal boxes. It may take a little while longer, but the latter certainly will improve your health.
The problem is that the DoT are hampering other alternatives.
I discovered of a plan to develop a local feeder bus service to Maynooth from other North Kildare towns was shot down because another bus company runs a route that originates in one of the other North Kildare towns.
In other places, there does not even exist a foothpath or lighting to the station.
Also, what about large towns like Newbridge, where the station is well out of town? Walking out to the station could take the same amount of time as it takes to get to Newlands cross. Whats the point of taking the train in that case?