How did you find the value for money (a) on the train (b) off the train (c) as a tourist (d) as a rail enthusiast?
Originally Posted by david673
The service left 5 mins late for no apparent reason,
Unfortunately common.
but we got to Westport on time.
Unfortunately common, also - it just shows how much padding there is in the timetable.
The train was full by the time it got to Roscommon.
Pleasently surprised at that - I would have expected it to get quieter, not busier. It being August was possibly a factor.
Thursday a 3 car 22000 to Kilkenny, with a packed train and the family from hell in my coach. (Lets shout when we talk, shout on our mobiles, play music loud etc) I was suprised the guard didn't say something.
A polite request to the FFH or the guard might get the appropraite response - or might not.