New Park West & Cherry Orchard Station opens, Monday 28th July by Corporate Communications
Iarnród Éireann advises customers that from Monday 28th July, the new Park West & Cherry Orchard Station will be open for customers, replacing the existing Cherry Orchard Station which will be closed from that date.
All trains which currently serve Cherry Orchard Station will serve Park West & Cherry Orchard Station from Monday 28th July, with departure times unchanged.
Directions from Cherry Orchard Station to the new Park West & Cherry Orchard Station:
On exiting Cherry Orchard Station, turn left, and proceed up Friel Avenue. Turn right onto Park West Road, and proceed to the roundabout, taking a right turn. Park West & Cherry Orchard Station is straight ahead.
Park West & Cherry Orchard will be a staffed station which probably will have a significant impact on passenger numbers