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Unread 17-07-2008, 13:34   #3
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Originally Posted by lambo77 View Post
Arrived at killucan at 19:04. Driver announced there would be a 20 minute delay due to late running of the Sligo-dublin train. At 19:14 driver announced that Sligo train had just arrived at mullingar. We left Kiilucan once dublin bound train had passed us at 19:24. Arrived in Mullingar at 19:32

Why could we not have continued to Mullingar arriving at 19:12 approx? There are two platforms there that could have accomodated both trains and would have prevented our 20 minute delay getting in to Mullingar. Is there some problem with the points/signals at Mullingar statiion to prevent this?
I too was very mad about this situation, it is not a one off, we are often delayed in Killucan for over 10 minutes waiting for the Sligo train. I understand if it is not far away but in 7 minutes we could be in Mullingar and wait there to pass the Sligo train on one of the many "un-used" platforms.
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