Thread: Luas Red Line
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Unread 08-07-2008, 10:04   #17
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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If the track was in open country on sleepers you can get 700m replaced in a shift

It takes 7 days for concrete to reach a decent strength. The laws of physics and chemistry can't be broken. The junction is complex and requires care to get it right now to save trouble later. Luas C1 is positive progress and nit picking about it is not helpful

Luas tram full weighs in at over 40 tons, a DUTC tram would be lucky to make 10 tons, modern trams are very unforgiving of bad track. The safety book is based on UK tramway practice. Having the line closed is costing the RPA significant money so there is significant motivation to get the job done quickly and correctly

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 08-07-2008 at 10:56.
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