Thread: Luas Red Line
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Unread 06-07-2008, 10:29   #8
Mark Hennessy
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
There is a certainly extensive work ongoing in Connolly, and seems to be moving along at good pace. The wall at the Connolly stop was designed with the C1 line in mind. No matter what the ramp had to go, the real issue is how on earth some simple muck moving cost so much

The RPA and Veoila have put in place a very reasonable arrangement at Abbey Street to handle the temporary terminus. The advertising of the close has been good as well
I'd disagree here, we are putting in a massively expensive and complicated piece of track that only serves 50 metres of track!

It's absurd. It's not as if that track is planned to go any further.
I agree with James' point above also, where is the 24/7 working?

Were we not told by the Spanish professor to start building infrastructure and keep going non stop until it is built.

The RPA have done a decent job running the Luas by Irish standards but they shouldn't get off the hook because of this. Their planning skills on the Red Line/Connolly area have at a conservative estimate, cost the taxpayer over €60m!
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