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Unread 25-04-2008, 14:07   #18
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Location: Mullingar
Posts: 20
Default Mullingar Commuter Group

Hi Ballymore,

No problem, I just know we get a lot of the slack and get blamed for Irish Rails decisions, but we can only do our best.

You probably would recognise some of the people in the group as some have been travelling up to 9 years on the train. We are really all sick of Irish Rail. Of the committee - 2 are lawyers, 2 are in IT, 1 is a journalist, 2 work for the government, 1 is an HR manager and 2 are in finance. So there are a broad range of people from the IFSC, North/ South side & Dun Loghaire.

I use my email address to write to the people who signed the petition about up to date responses from IR and for any suggestions and about meetings etc. I might set up a specific email and then it can be posted on this website.
At the moment we are trying to plan a meeting with Paul SLowey around timetabling for next year.

I was thinking of leaving a petition at the Mullingar station for people to sign, but wondered if it was legal, so instead last year, I stood out the front for a few days on different trains but the train would never wait for me so I always missed getting a few more signatures.

Myself and one other member have had contact with the Examiner and Topic in order to put our side accross, another member also compiled a customer complaints record since 2003 in a spreadsheet which is an interesting read. If you pass me on your email I can send it to you if you like. We all added our personal evidence to it. Although I am sure there is lots more we haven't included.
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