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Unread 24-01-2008, 12:58   #11
James Shields
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Location: Drogheda, Ireland
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Hear, hear. The 6 car 22Ks would be ideal for the Enterprise. I would suggest they don't bother with special livery, as this would make it harder to rotate stock with other router. It also removes the need for dedicated spares. If all 6 car sets are fitted with UK safety equipment it solves a lot of problems.

I reckon 5 6 car sets or 30 coaches would be needed for an hourly service.

Can a 6 car set and a 3 car set mate? Would it be possible to have a 3 car set waiting in Dundalk to join a southbound train to give extra capacity for the busiest leg? I think the platforms in Dundalk, Drogheda and Connolly would all be long enough.
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