As if thing couldn't get any worse, due to new safety rules which came into force up North on Jan 1st 2008, there are troubled times ahead on the Belfast line
Two areas
1. All trains must have central door locking, the use of the elderly Mk2d Sligo set to Belfast as was done frequently in 2006 is now illegal.
2. All trains must have
AWS and
TPWS safety systems fitted, with the exception of the 6 enterprise locomotives IE have nothing else currently that satisfies the rules
If an Enterprise set fails, there is absolutely nothing in Dublin suitable to cross the border and this will remain the case so get ready for all kinds of fun switching trains in Dundalk if anything breaks down. Some of the new intercity railcars satisfy the rules but surprise surprise are not certified for NI yet
You have been warned, one wonders what wonderful excuses IE will invent to sell this inconvenience as an improvement