[17-12-2007] Dart Delays
Anyone know what was going on this morning on the Dart.
Arrived at 8:44 to Clontarf Road travelling to Pearse
Next train, 21 minutes to Bray, 27 to Greystones.
Going by the PIS, the Greystones train overtook the Bray train which remained at 21 minutes.
The only hint as to why anyone had to wait was a PA annoucement because of a signalling problem in Connolly delaying the outbound train to Malahide.
Eventually the Bray train moved magically to 11. minutes while an announcement was made whilst the Enterprise passed, thus inaudible.
It stayed at 6 minutes for about 3 minute
Eventually 4 packed carriages arrived at 9:18, made a painfully slow trip to Connolly with customary train driver swap at Fairview.
Oh, and a commuter train passed going north whilst I waited in Clontarf with the front display reading Rosslare.
Will be riding my bike tomorrow.