I read that link.
That dude is such a waster. What does he know about anything. The Cork train is brilliant. Its only fault is the "Ride quality"

Irish Rail have nailed it with this service. It is up there with the best in Europe if not the world. How dare this guy even contemplate writing such baloney. Yes, he's just a guy with a problem.
Actually I'm joking, but I doubt some posters on this thread would appreciate that.
What I just read is a typical example of what everyday, honest rail users experience and feel aggrieved about. You see, they don't waste away their lives getting "up to speed" on how railways work or in fact how IE work for that matter. The author of this piece had a problem and all of it is valid. Customers are allowed have problems. They are allowed get angry. They are allowed be "ignorant". Remember that the customer is always right. You start there and work forwards not backwards. But as is becoming very frequent on this board and very quick indeed, the reaction is one of redicule and snide "we know more" remarks. Its one big ad for "get stuffed rail users unless you know about trains". More IRN than anything I ever stood for.
Its pathetic. Reminds me of why I resigned. I wanted to fight the cause of rail users, not bury them under an insulting veil of "we know more than you do."
That guy didn't and won't contact RUI, because he may never have heard of it and if he did, one can only cringe at the reaction he'd have met with.