That guy just has a problem
1. This place with the rubbish and fire extinguisher is behind a locked door and is the luggage van, there is then another door in the first coach vestibule then the sliding door in the first coach. The luggage area is totally off limits, thats called looking for trouble where there isn't any
2. Crossing a closed ticket barrier is an offense, if he had waited the IE head would have told him to board the first coach
3. It is fairly common to issue a supplement ticket for traveling in a higher class
4. He could have gone second class for 31 euro if he booked online
5. Having a split between ticket sales and collection machines is again normal, to be fair to IE at least they take cash at the machines, Virgin trains in the UK are obsessed with credit card sales
6. IE's online ticketing system can handle all these
*The options available when buying a ticket on French railways (depending on train type) include:
1) One way and round trip 1st and 2nd class
Yes and first out second back is also possible
2) Facing or your back to the direction of travel
Yes, you choose the seat
3) Solo seats when travelling on one’s own
Can't see the point
4) Duo seating for two people travelling together – with the choice of face to face or beside each other.
Yes, you choose the seat
5) If you are travelling on the same train as a business contact, if s/he tells you his car and seat number, you can enter these data and the system when making your reservation, and it puts all parties sitting together – despite the fact that they have made their reservations independently.
Yes, you choose the seat, just get the seat number from your friend
7) Window or corridor seat preferred?
Again you choose
7. Staff attitude is a fair cop but being ignorant and troublesome is asking for trouble
8. Ride issue is known
9. Power sockets work fine once you push the reset button in, of course he could have asked
10. If he had tried this in France he wouldn't have even been let on the train since its compulsory reservations on the bulk of long distance services, all TGV services