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Unread 23-10-2007, 16:23   #1
Mark Gleeson
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Default [23-10-2007] New transport strategy for Dublin

Last Updated: 23/10/2007 16:00
New transport strategy for Dublin
Elaine Edwards

A major public consultation is to take place on the transport needs of the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) from the year 2010-2030, it has been announced.

It is timely that we are now starting to visualise the type of city and region we want for the year 2030, and putting the plans in place that will meet those objectives and take us there
DTO director and chief executive John Henry

The Dublin Transportation Office is to develop a new transport strategy, which will be the successor to the Platform for Change strategy 2000-2016 . That document was the first plan to propose the Luas, Metro and Quality Bus Network for the region.
The new strategy will be published in 2010.
Companies, agencies and groups involved in providing and using transport in the region, as well as the general public throughout Ireland, will be invited to submit views, suggestions and feedback on the transport strategy.
Modelling software will be used to determine the ideal transport network, modes, capacities and frequencies to cater for the levels of demand forecast for the region in 20 years' time, the DTO said today.

DTO director and chief executive John Henry said: "Transport impacts on everyone, and has a direct impact on people's quality of life.
"It is timely that we are now starting to visualise the type of city and region we want for the year 2030, and putting the plans in place that will meet those objectives and take us there."

"We will be involving all the agencies involved in providing transport in the GDA, and will be seeking the involvement of people living and working in the region, as well as people living throughout the rest of Ireland, who visit their capital region for leisure or other reasons."

The new transport strategy for Dublin will take account of all current plans and programmes, including those being provided under Transport 21, and it will outline the phased implementation of the new proposals, the DTO said.
Initial consultation and planning will begin over the next month, and the public element of the consultation will commence in the first half of next year.
© 2007

Looks like the DTO trying to justify there existance, given the very first transport plan (1975) still hasn't been implemented, the second one (2000) is really the first one with extra bits and it isn't looking like getting done, why waste time on yet another study that looks good but won't do anything

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 23-10-2007 at 16:29.
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