I was a student in Maynooth no so long ago. I started in 2000 and graduated in 2004. The difference Maynooth underwent in that time is phenomenal. It barely resembles the place it was when I started there.
The reason I mention this is becuase like most places around Dublin these days. Massive planning permission was granted for develpment yet there was nothing done to facilitate people living in the area.
The train line is most likely a major selling point for developers, from what I recall there are approximately 40 (if that) spaces on a very narrow stretch of land. Sadly the only advice I can really give is to write to local politicians. Is it an option to park somewhere further away, shopping centres perhaps?
Originally Posted by Mark Hennessy
my plan for a car park on part of the Harbour field was taken up by Aine Brady in her manifesto.
What about the fair in June? Where are the local kids going to go to get drunk? That's very selfish of you Mark.