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Unread 16-10-2007, 20:18   #11
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Blanch, Dublin
Posts: 81

Originally Posted by al2637 View Post
Was a mess this morning. Got to Castleknock at about 8:05, 8:20 train arrived at about 8:15.... crush loaded, many many people left behind.

About 8:30 a 4 car train turned up. No announcements, or displays. Most people got on. Busy also at Ashtown, more people get on (persumably those left behind by the previous one). The train is crush load around the doors at this point. Again, NO platform announcements or displays, NO onboard displays or announcements. After Broombridge it becomes apparent the train is going to Docklands. Many angry and confused passengers.

As a side issue, Docklands doesn't seem set up to be able to deal with this many passengers. A 4 car train caused quite a backlog at the turnstiles with people getting in each others way and pushing trying to get through.
It was a complete disgrace this morning. I was at coolmine, waiting in vain for my usual commute on the 8.15 service (which I presumed to be delayed). No announcements were made at coolmine with regard to the city centre services either (although IE were able to announce to the handful of passengers heading to Maynooth that their service was delayed!!).

As happened at castleknock, that 4 carriage train turned up with no displays or announcements and nearly everyone on the coolmine platform jumped on thinking it was the delayed 8.15 train. The only reason I didnt make the same mistake was that I was close enough to ask the driver where he was heading! Then low and behold, another train turns up 6 or 7 mins later (around 8.35)....again with no displays or announcements.

A complete shambles. IE treating us all like dirt once again! This country is a banana republic
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