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Unread 26-09-2007, 06:34   #29
James Shields
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Originally Posted by tralph View Post
I don't think the Luas or IÉ TVMs have the capacity to support Chip and PIN. The transactions behave more or less as Cardholder Not Present (and the merchant will be liable for any fraudulent card use).
In the UK now almost all railway and tube TVMs have a chip-and-pin facility. Usually there is a small keypad and LED display to the side of the main screen, so I suspect it was an add-on to the original machine. The main screen displays "now enter your pin" and seems to freeze while you deal with the keypad, but it seems to cope reasonably well even if it's a little bit clunky. Chip-and-pin has been known about for years, so it would be hard to believe that the makers of the IE and Luas machines aren't prepared for it.
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