Thread: Capacity?
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Unread 19-09-2007, 10:09   #2
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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If the train starts in Kildare or Newbridge odds are you will get a seat, if it starts from elsewhere its luck of the draw depending on the phases of the moon. Going home its a free for all but its not too bad, you will get a seat on most going home once you are in Heuston with 10 minutes to spare.

It can get uncomfortable beyond Hazelhatch, but nothing as bad as the Maynooth or Northern lines.

Be wary of the car park charges coming soon and Newbridge station is remote from just about everything. If you can avoid it live closer to the city, it will save you heaps of time. It is the least punctual line going and the cost per mile to travel Dublin Newbridge is the highest of any, not forgetting the chaos of the Luas or 90 bus when everyone scrambles to escape Heuston
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