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Unread 05-09-2007, 12:14   #9
Thomas J Stamp
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Originally Posted by 91101_GNER View Post
You can compare it to our London-Birmingham service in terms of the strategic importance of linking the capital city to the nations "2nd" city. I'm guessing IE have realised this importance so that's why this route, which seems to be the premier route in Ireland has been given brand new, superior Loco hauled coaching stock, which in theory provides the most comfortable ride quality (I did say "In theory") and provides better on board services for both leisure and business customers than stock on other routes (the 22ks)
This is a better comparison and still it makes IE look bad. The coaching stock is sort of superior but the loco isn't. As for business classes, if I cant type a report on the laptop on the CDE (which I couldn't the last time I tried) then its not providing any services for me.

As a matter of interest, last Sunday week the A/c on the 1900 back to Cork was set to Antarctica. Closing the curtains and sitting on the aisle seat didn't help and I was frozen all the way to Cork. Also, the trolley only made it to our carriage when we went past Limerick Junction. Poor.

We've said it before here, I'll say it again. IE do not have a proper planning and development ethos in place. Why get new coaches, attach them to old locos and then admit you really want power units both ends of them to be bought at a later date? The proper way was to buy the whole kit from CAF and then upgrade the track, not half the kit, upgrade, then the other half. Ah sure, I'm talking to the wall again.
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