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Unread 29-06-2007, 20:05   #76
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Blanch, Dublin
Posts: 81

As a commuter who has suffered the absolutely dreadful service on the maynooth line for all too long, the moans and groans of the north-south travellers on the DART line really make me laugh. You dont know how well you've had it!

For christ sake, up until 3 - 4 years ago, our commuter service involved being stuffed into the toilets and guards van of ramshackle old intercity's each morning!

Dont let your small laziness (RE: interchange) ruin it for the rest of us!

This project will be the best value 1.3 billion the govt has ever spent...Cant wait

PS: How are IR proposing to deal with the multiple level-crossings on the two 'new' dart lines? If these roads are to remain useable in practice, surely this increased frequency can only be dealt with be replacing these crossings with road bridges?
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