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Unread 29-06-2007, 14:00   #66
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 541

Originally Posted by Mark View Post
Like Mark Gleeson has pointed out, with the increased frequency and speed that this new system will provide, journeys such as Bayside to Sandycove with one change at Pearse will probably take the exact same amount of time as it does now.
Much as I agree with the new design, the problem with interchange in Ireland is that people (rightly) view public transport as unreliable. Changing means the risk that the second bus/train/tram might be late or not show up. The same journey post-interconnector will only take the same time if there is a minimal interchange time and no delays, that might happen on a good morning during rush hour but what about at 7pm or at weekends?

The ability to deliver 12 trains an hour is great but does anyone where believe IR will have anything close to 5 trains an hour off-peak?
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