It's getting clearer now
I think the 'all change at Pearse' concept threw me and more than a few others too.
From re-reading the "I'm a Southsider, get me out of here" bit on the campaigns page I *now* know that while you change at Pearse for Howth, this does not mean that the train doesn't continue along the loop.
I'm still waiting for the .PDF to load, but from what I can gather the trains from the South will continue through Connolly and then head off towards Maynooth. So DART users from the south of Dublin will continue to be able to get a single train through at least as far as Connolly. This was really not clear from some of the documentation.
So, what other trains will leave Connolly northbound ? Only the Enterprise, or also long distance commuters to Drogheda/Dundalk ? What is likely to be the first stop ex-Connolly from any of these services ?