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Unread 28-06-2007, 13:05   #37
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Posts: 65

Originally Posted by zag View Post
I've tried following some of the documents, but I still don't get it.

Maybe for the hard of understanding like me, someone could explain what the story is with the loopline and the DART ? Preferably without including mysterious statements like "it's all very logical and sensbile" - start from the basis that I don't understand it.

So, DART rolls into Pearse from the South and terminates, is that correct ? I get the impression that there will be no through running of DART trains from the south beyond Pearse. What about Tara Street - what is going to serve it from the South, and how often ?

And if no through DART trains will come from the South, what is the logic in removing the service ? Is it to free up paths through Trinity for other services ?

Zag...It's simple.

There will be two main dart lines:
- Dart 1: Maynooth/Pace > Clonsilla > Connolly > Tara > Pierce > Bray/Graystones
- Dart 2: Balbriggan > Clontarf Rd > Docklands > Pierce > Stephens Green > Cristchurch > Heuston > Hazlehatch

Of course there will be some losers (maybe even needing two interchanges, instead of a direct service), but for the vast majority this is a Dramatic Improvement!!!
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