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Unread 28-06-2007, 12:50   #33
Mark Hennessy
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What I do want to know is why there is no retention of the current DART service across the Loop Line from the Northside.
Because the Maynooth and Bray lines are similar distance and have similar stopping distance between stations with some major level crossings.

If you run a train from Maynooth to Bray you can build up a similar stopping pattern that utilises the capacity of the Loop line whilst allowing some Longford and Gorey services over the loop line.

A similar pattern is obvious from Hazelhatch to Balbriggan, both lines are intercity lines designed for high speed. Run that stopping pattern through the interconnector and you can get 12 trains per hour.

The lack of conflicts between these two services are what gives the maximum throughput in terms of passengers. mixing and matching to suit a small number of pax would be a recipe for disaster.
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